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Booking Policies


A deposit of S$50 (inclusive of $2.20 non-refundable Stripe Processing Fee) is required to secure your appointment slot, the remaining amount is to be paid at the end of the appointment.


Rescheduling or cancellation (if any) has to be done at least 5 days before the appointment date.
Deposit will be forfeited for any RESCHEDULE OR CANCELLATION made less than 5 days before appointment. There are no exceptions.
When you make a booking, the slot will be closed off and allocated solely for you, preventing others from making a booking for the same slot. The deposit is intended to protect the business in circumstances of sudden cancellation or change and as a small compensation for the loss of revenue should the slot become emptied and unable to be filled subsequently.


We work hard to schedule in the necessary amount of time needed for each service. Accommodating late arrival is often impossible without disrupting your session and other clients scheduled that day. We reserve the right to cancel your appointment with your deposit forfeited should you fail to turn up within 15 mins from your appointment time.


We accept the following payment method for the remaining amount : cash, PayNow, or Paylah.


You are entitled to a one-off ‘First Touch-up’ valid only WITHIN 2 MONTHS from your first session (Misty Embroidery, Misty Fix, Men’s Eyebrow Embroidery or AirStroke). For optimal results, touch-up is most effective within 2 months. Please book your First Touch-Up session in advance right after securing your Misty session.
If you missed the 2 months period for touch-up, please book it under Refresh.